LiteracySight Words 11/2/15 -sh, th it, am rhyming 11/9/15 -wh, ch at, look
11/16/15 -medial vowel "a" like, said 11/23/15 -review, syllables do, you
Writing 2 box narrative (Each sentence needs a who and what) Informational text (Capital, spacing, & punctuation (. ! ?) Math * Counting to 30 * 2-D shapes * addition and subtraction within 5 using manipulatives
Science-How Do I think like a Scientist (Space)
Special Events November 24th Class Feast November 30th-Show n tell
Help Wanted
We are in need of: gallon size ziplock bags Paper Towels Clorox wipes
*Show n tell this month will be November 30th. Students may bring 1 item. Students should be able to talk about their item in front of the class. *Turn in homework on November 30th.